Technology has changed throughout the years and has improved kids lives tremendously. Roboticists help the world improve technology everyday and look forward to making it better every time. People like Nick Thompson like to help find ways to make artificial arms cheaper and quicker.

Today Roboticists are working towards self aware AI (artificial intelligence) with a human intelligence level. Making a self aware AI is going to take a while but the roboticist work hard everyday to make it better. AI is like Siri or Alexa where you ask them a question and they will answer you. If roboticist made self aware AI they would not have to protect it. Roboticist have made self driving cars and what everybody uses practically everyday our assinant Siri.

Today technology is changing kids lives and adult lives. Making original fake arms usually cost from $25,000 to $50,000 but one scientist is making a difference. Nick Thompson is a scientist who wants to make something that is cheap because kids might need a new arm each year because they are growing. The scientists name is Nick is making artificial arms faster and cheaper with a 3D printer. Making the arms are very quick and easy also cheap.

The Robitisists and Nick Thompson are both changing the world in a positive way for everybody. Nick is making the arms with the 3D printer and the Roboticist is making the technology and it is a team effort. They both want to make life better for everyone. After the arm gets amputated the people that have fake arms say it justs gets in the way. But what Nick Thompson and Roboticist are making is a arm that has technology so it will help you do stuff you could not have done before.

People like Nick Thompson and the Roboticists are helping kids and families everywhere. Nick and the 3D printed arms and The Roboticist and the technology have helped everybody and they plan on doing
more. They keep working hard to do as much as they can and keep helping people that need help.